“Your Thoughts and your Body Weight” Part 2 of 3

The road begins with Intention

 As older adults, we have experienced the ups and downs that life brings. With that experience, we have acquired “attachments” to certain ideas. These become reinforcing beliefs as we stay in our “comfort zone.”  For instance,  many of us have tried all sorts of ways to manage our body weight, and all through these different “diet plans, we may have lost the desired weight only to put it back on again, and in many cases, even more than we lost! The story or beliefs we now have, based on these failed experiences, is that we can’t lose weight.

So, how do we overcome these mental attachments? 

Here is my story.

 About eight years ago, my daughter, her husband, and my spouse and I went out to get a bite to eat. It was Christmas time here in Florida, and my weight issue was simple. While I was standing, my daughter took a side shot picture of me. My belly was hanging over my belt line. Everyone had a good laugh when I gave a shout out to my new “beer belly” which really wasn’t that new. The very next day that picture shot through me to my core.  For quite a while, I held a story; my story, that the extra 30 lb I had gained over a period of 10 years couldn’t helped. I didn’t have the time to work it off. As a full-time caregiver to my spouse, it was just the way it was and is. As a matter of fact, I had all sorts of attachments to being a full-time caregiver. ” Ican’tt do what I want when I want. I couldn’t do this, and I couldn’t do that.” On top of that, I also held a story about myself that I was always in trouble. Particularly in making ends meet. and this was what was really bothering me.

We all have these thoughts and beliefs about ourselves. And you know what? They may be our reality, but they are not reality. They are the product of my  “False and Failed intentions.”

Intention- “Intentions are mental states in which the agent (me) commits myself to a course of action.”  Now, this goes on all the time in my head, and when I don’t follow through, it is absolutely a “false intention.”  In other words, I lied to myself, which also means that I was not “impeccable with my word” to myself.

“Breaking the lying to myself habit.” 

How did I break this vicious cycle of lying to myself about my weight? I called a close friend and shared with him the fact that I was decieving myself about having this “Intention of losing the weight.”I wasn’t taking the actions  I visualized. By sharing this and being vulnerable about my weakness, I could now be accountable to him. I committed to him that I would start by taking two steps toward my goal of losing 25 pounds. I am going to ride my bike three times per week for a minimum of 45 minutes and cut down on the bread intake. And we agreed that I would speak with him next week to confirm that I had taken the action of my intent.

Within two weeks, I had dropped 1.5 pounds. Sure, it was only 1.5 pounds, but after a month, it was three!   I now had momentum and a new healthy habit. Getting on the bike was now actually joyful! I admit cutting way down on the bread wasn’t actually delightful, but I still had my peanut butter on toast, but one slice was enough. It became a real treat!  So did eating more vegetables. I improved my diet, and also Deb’s (my spouse) because I do all the cooking as a full-time caregiver.

 As I gained more confidence and momentum over the next 14 months, I went from 200 pounds to 175!  The major factor in my success was threefold.

1.)  I reached out and shared my problem authentically and vulnerably with someone I could trust to be straight with me.

2.) I visualized myself as a fit personal trainer. (This was a longer-term goal)

3.) My commitments  ( the actions of my intention) were accountable to another human being.

The major takeaway to this post is that I could not lose the weight all by myself. I needed encouragement from a trusted friend and/or professional coach who understood.

Today, I am full of gratitude for so many things.. particularly for my friends, my coaches, and family.   And I try everyday to hold this intention… “To be grateful “

So “Carpe Diem!”

Your Thoughts and Your Body Weight

Switching Out Negative Thoughts

Part 1 of 3

As a fitness and life coach, my first approach to addressing body-weight issues is to discuss your thoughts and emotions on the subject. Do you view yourself as overweight? When you look in a mirror, what are your thoughts about your body? Are they negative? How often do you think about it during your day? Do you compare your body to others and then wish you looked more like them? Can you visualize how you want to look physically?

How you think and what you feel are of the highest importance. This means taking an honest and authentic (real) look at your “State of Being.”  Are you being “Impeccable with your word?”

That is to say, for example, are you using the following type of language in your self-talk?

 “ I know I should be more disciplined in terms of what I eat.” I know I should be more active.”  These are authentic thoughts, and they have integrity because you are being honest with yourself. You are being “impeccable with your word.”  When you think these thoughts, however, how do you feel? Do they make you feel good?

Here is another fundamental axiom about you and everyone else on the planet. “You Don’t know what you don’t know.”  Let me state that again. “You don’t know what you don’t know.”

Here is what I do know. “Positive thoughts and emotions, on the whole, generate positive actions and outcomes. This is a universal law. Another is that you can become more aware of your thoughts and change them. This is where the “Rubber meets the Road.” This is the time to take action. What we are talking about is your inner self. It’s your will.

It is taking that small step to change the direction of your thoughts.

When a negative thought or emotion arises about your weight issue, do you just let it go to only have that negative feeling come back later? At that moment, what if you changed your inner dialogue to the positive? For example, “I’m calling Gina (a friend I just created, and I know you have someone like her) right now and ask her if she would like to join me in my journey to a healthier weight. If she doesn’t answer, commit to calling her again and making contact. That is a positive thought coupled with a positive action that can lead to a positive result. Just that tiny step….  Be Bold.it is inside you…

Weight Loss When You’re Over Fifty

Our metabolisms have slowed, we’re eating things we know we want to cut back on; but yet we choose not to….why?  Because our brains are protecting us from the pain of commitment.  The excuses it delivers.  ( No time, I don’t look that bad, I’ll just cut back on my eating, I can’t afford it, etc.)

It’s your metabolism. It has slowed with age.

Motivation….Where do you Get it?   Another human being could be a big help.  The” Buddy System” increases your chances of losing weight combined with a Wholistic Fitness & Coaching Approach.

The “Buddy System” holds you accountable to another person. It’s key.  And it’s Behavioral Science…mostly.


Instead of “ I have to cut way down on pasta & bread.”  It’s more like, “I choose to eat more veggies I like and try new things (foods) in place of old things. I like it. It’s working for me.”  “I also just cut down on my portions. “   It’s just changing things a little at a time in the beginning and working from there.

Physical Training (Exercise)

You don’t have to belong to a gym as part of your physical training program. You only need a few pieces of equipment that take little space at home.  But most importantly you will be accountable and choose to train (exercise) earnestly and with purpose.  Ie. Weight Reduction

“I used to play football, soccer & baseball back in the day. I’ll never look like that again”

(That’s true, all too true.  It’s your metabolism.) 

“I should get my butt to the gym.”

(Find another (buddy) to train with and hire an “Over Fifty “Strength & Conditioning Coach like me.)

So, why not?

Effect of moderate intensity resistance training during weight loss on body composition and physical performance in overweight older adults. Avila JJ, et al. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2010. PMID: 20169360 Clinical Trial.

Effects of resistance training with and without caloric restriction on physical function and mobility in overweight and obese older adults: a randomized controlled trial. Nicklas BJ, et al. Am J Clin Nutr. 2015

Weight Loss: Exerting Self-control does not mean sacrificing pleasure

I came across a study and I thought it was very relevant to those who are seeking to achieve healthy body weight. It has to do with making food choices and one’s way of thinking about food choices.

In this case, the study revolved around the choice between eating carrot sticks as opposed to that beautiful, delicious slice of chocolate cake with a cherry and whipped cream on top. Now, in many people who have set a goal of losing weight the choice of eating the cake will lead to feelings of guilt and failure to resist the temptation (self-control). I myself, when I was on a weight-loss journey, (25lb) have anticipated the regret I would feel for violating my long-term goal of losing weight.

But what if one made the decision to just eat several bites of the cake?  Now, I am not going to feel that guilt because I exerted self-control through portion control. I haven’t violated my goal. Actually “I had my cake and ate it too!”

Our thinking when on a weight -loss program puts food into a good or bad category. What we should be thinking about is total caloric intake daily.  The good /bad concept of food is just an over-simplification of our eating habits.  I mean why deprive yourself?.

If I take in 2500  calories and expend (burn) 2800 on average daily, (-300 calorie deficit) then in a  1 weeks’ time, I have lost a one-half pound of weight. In a month that equals 2 pounds.  Coupled with a fitness/workout program, the weight loss accelerates and one will be inclined to more naturally change their dietary habits over the long term resulting in permanent weight-loss. So why not?    

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