Reducing Hip Flexor Pain and improving Hip Function and Range of Motion

If you sit at a desk for hours at a time at your workplace you’re definitely going to feel the tightness and pain over time. This is where “CAR” stretches are highly effective at improving flexibility in the two joints. CAR stands for “Controlled Articular Rotation” They are incorporated into a training program to combat the effects of lifestyles where hours are spent in a seated position. Hip flexion range of motion (ROM) will be severely restricted and Hip CARs can aid in improving ROM in the joint.

These stretches are more dynamic than the usual “static” stretches used to lengthen muscle tissues like a “supine bridge plank”. Cars add mobility (movement ) to the stretch.

These stretches are also employed after a client has been released to exercise after undergoing a hip replacement and subsequent physical therapy.

As a cyclist and an individual who also does a lot of writing (which means I am sitting for a couple of hours at a stretch) I perform these dynamic stretches at home 3 times per week. Also in training programs, I incorporate these with specific resistance (weight) exercises to strengthen the corresponding weak muscle sets to bring the joint into a more balanced tension relationship.

About the Overhead Squat Assessment

The Overhead Squat (OHS) is a primary assessment tool used by NASM Certified Professionals. It is designed to assess dynamic flexibility, core strength, balance, and overall neuromuscular control. There is ample evidence in the scientific literature to support the use of traditional movement assessments. Because it is a multi-planer (2 planes of motion) exercise and multijoint, the professional trainer can observe certain movement patterns that indicate areas of movement impairment and muscular imbalances. These may be the result of alterations in available joint motion, muscle activation, and overall neuromuscular control that can point to elevated injury risks (both in and out of the fitness environment.

Some individuals may not be able to perform this exercise. For them, we can regress and have them perform other assessment exercises to determine their dynamic postural imbalances.

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