Fall Prevention in Seniors

I am a senior. I am a full-time caregiver to my spouse, Deborah. We have been together for 40 years. We live in the St Petersburg, Florida area, and we love it here. My intention to care for her and keep her physically active is not without its daily challenges. One of my greatest fears is that she will experience a nasty fall. She has fallen several times in the last five years, and thankfully her counter-reaction time enabled her to help break the falls. Her older sister was not as lucky. I know that the balance training we practice together is a critical factor in improving and maintaining her proprioception.

Helping Deborah maintain her physical well-being and coordinated neuromuscular fitness was my driving force in becoming a Senior Strength & Fitness specialist.   

According to the CDC, every second of every day, a person 65 or older falls. Every second of every day, an older adult (age 65+) suffers a fall in the U.S.—making falls the leading cause of injury and injury death in this age group. One out of four older adults will fall each year in the United States, making falls a public health concern, particularly among the aging population.

Facts About Older Adult Falls

However, most adult falls are largely preventable.

Known effective strategies for reducing the number of older adult falls include a multifactorial clinical approach (e.g., gait and balance assessment, strength and balance exercises, and medication review).

It is my intention to write and be an advocate for senior Health & Fitness and motivate you to improve your overall fitness, balance & active lifestyle choices.   For me, it’s personal.

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