Increasing Knee Flexion after a TKR (Total Knee Replacement)

Many individuals who undergo Total Knee Replacements (TKR’s) struggle to gain maximum flexion of 130-135 degrees. Many just are unable to go through the window of pain that is in front of them when they undergo Physical Therapy (PT). I talked to many people who are unable to ride a bicycle at all after 6 months post-op.

The video above is of me at Method Strength & Fitness, Seminole, FL, working on the Octane r6000 Recumbent Elliptical at 10 weeks post-op after my TKA on the right knee. This is my primary technique to improve and increase the bend angle.

I have been steadily increasing the maximum flexion at the top of the pedal stroke over the month. There is no doubt that one must endure a level of pain to keep increasing the flexion angle without revision surgery which only increases the rehab time. Riding a bicycle comfortably and safely requires a minimum of 120-125 degrees of knee flexion.

It is also important to have a well-designed stretching program that is performed a minimum of two times per day once the edema (swelling) has receded to a level that allows for both SMR (Self Myofascial Release) and proper stretching of the muscle groups of the leg.

In this video, I have achieved a flexion angle of 130. One must dance with lady pain utilizing your will and determination. If you really want it. The only way is “Through”.

You can call, text, or email me anytime. I will get back to you.

As the Romans used to say, “Carpe Diem!” Each day is the best gift.

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