It’s never too late to start exercising

Older people who have never taken part in sustained exercise programs have the same ability to build muscle mass as highly trained master athletes of a similar age, according to new research at the University of Birmingham.

Published in Frontiers in Physiology, researchers in the University of Birmingham’s School of Sport and Exercise Science compared muscle-building ability in two groups of older men. The first group was classed as ‘master athletes’ — people in their 70s and 80s who are lifelong exercisers and still competing at top levels in their sport. In the second were healthy individuals of a similar age, who had never participated in structured exercise programs.

The researchers had expected that the master athletes would have an increased ability to build muscle due to their superior levels of fitness over a prolonged period of time. In fact, the results showed that both groups had an equal capacity to build muscle in response to exercise.

The study clearly showed that it doesn’t matter if you haven’t been a regular exerciser throughout your life, you can still derive benefit from exercise whenever you start.

More specific guidance on how individuals can improve their muscle strength can be provided by professionals who specialize in strength and conditioning programs for older adults. Also, I always teach my clients activities that they can perform at home to improve their strength endurance, balance, and core as an adjunct to their written training and fitness program which is designed to help them achieve the goals we set together.

Deadlifting for Improved Core Strength

There are two types of barbells used to perform deadlifts; the straight bar and the Hex Bar (or Trap Bar).

I prefer the use of the Hex Bar when Core Training clients. Studies have shown that the design of the Hax Bar increases the resistance forces of the hamstrings in the concentric phase (the lift) and in the eccentric phase (lowering phase) there are greater resistance forces at work on the back musculature. Also the Hex Bar provides a little more stability in relation to sagittal plane motion because the weights are aligned more in the frontal plane (more centered). For many people , this is a safer exercise.

Hex Bar Deadlift

In addition, the hexagonal-barbell deadlift demonstrated significantly greater peak force, peak power, and peak velocity values than those of the straight-barbell deadlift. The enhanced mechanical stimulus obtained with the hexagonal barbell suggests that in general the Hex Barbell Deadlift is a more effective exercise than the Straight Barbell Deadlift. This is an advanced phase 2 exercise that is only undertaken once core stability and strength endurance has been achieved in phase 1 training of a beginner program or older adult program.


Few people have the deep stabilization muscles required for lumbopelvic-hip complex stabilization (8). The body’s stabilization system has to operate with maximal efficiency to effectively use strength, power, neuromuscular control, and muscular endurance. If the movement system of the core is strong and the stabilization system is weak, the kinetic chain senses an imbalance and forces are not transferred or used properly. This leads to compensation, synergistic dominance, and inefficient movements.

Core Training within the OPT Model

A weak core is a fundamental problem that causes inefficient movement and leads to predictable patterns of injury Most people do not have good core stability and are at risk for axial( back, hip, knee) and appendicular  (shoulder, arms, and legs) conditions. Core exercise is important for adults and can assist in the management of chronic pain issues.

The OPT (Optimal Performance Training) model is an integrated training concept and is progressive. It is built on a foundation of principles that systematically utilizes the following forms of training to develop and strengthen the core.

  • Flexibility
  • Balance
  • Cardiorespiratory
  • Plyometric
  • Strength ( resistance)

One does not need to go to a gym to effectively improve and strengthen the Core musculature and structure. It can be accomplished in the privacy of your home. All that is needed is approximately a 5 X 7 ft. floor space. The equipment required takes up very little space. Success with a program is always about staying motivated and achieving short term goals within the program.

Exercises that build balance and lower body strength reduce the risk of falling. Even the elite athlete comes to understand the value of core stability, balance, and strength.

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