Weight Loss: Exerting Self-control does not mean sacrificing pleasure

I came across a study and I thought it was very relevant to those who are seeking to achieve healthy body weight. It has to do with making food choices and one’s way of thinking about food choices.

In this case, the study revolved around the choice between eating carrot sticks as opposed to that beautiful, delicious slice of chocolate cake with a cherry and whipped cream on top. Now, in many people who have set a goal of losing weight the choice of eating the cake will lead to feelings of guilt and failure to resist the temptation (self-control). I myself, when I was on a weight-loss journey, (25lb) have anticipated the regret I would feel for violating my long-term goal of losing weight.

But what if one made the decision to just eat several bites of the cake?  Now, I am not going to feel that guilt because I exerted self-control through portion control. I haven’t violated my goal. Actually “I had my cake and ate it too!”

Our thinking when on a weight -loss program puts food into a good or bad category. What we should be thinking about is total caloric intake daily.  The good /bad concept of food is just an over-simplification of our eating habits.  I mean why deprive yourself?.

If I take in 2500  calories and expend (burn) 2800 on average daily, (-300 calorie deficit) then in a  1 weeks’ time, I have lost a one-half pound of weight. In a month that equals 2 pounds.  Coupled with a fitness/workout program, the weight loss accelerates and one will be inclined to more naturally change their dietary habits over the long term resulting in permanent weight-loss. So why not?    

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