Post-op 8 weeks after my TKA (Total Knee Arthroscopy)

Part 1

Post-op 8 weeks after my TKA (Total Knee Arthroscopy), and I am on the Spin Bike at Method Strength and Fitness, Seminole, FL. The swelling and pain are down, and I can work on increasing my knee flexion to a max of 130 °. At least that is the goal. Currently worked it to 122°  Important in this rehab is the following:

1.) Positive Thoughts and Emotions Generate Positive Outcomes ( The most important!)

From day 1, even though the pain was + 8, thinking and visualizing myself back on the bike was and is crucial in maintaining my drive to move the joint when doing so was a big “Ouch.” One has to keep his or her “Eye on the Prize.”

2.)  Elevating the Joint and Keeping it in a 0° to no more than 10 ° position for the 1st four weeks while at rest in the supine (on your back) position. This is the only way to reduce the edema (swelling in the leg); it is challenging to work the new joint with the increased soft tissue water pressure in and around the knee. It is of utmost importance to be mobile each day to prevent collagen formation (scar tissue). Physical therapy can prevent help this and keep one on track with the proper exercises.

3.)  Performing lengthening exercises for the Quadriceps, Adductors, Hamstrings, and Calf Muscle Complexes. At week 4, I started performing SMR (Self Myofascial Release) and warm water Massage Therapy 2-3 times per day in conjunction with lengthening exercises (stretching the muscle complexes.)  The optimal length-tension relationships of the muscles need to be readjusted to their newly established ratios from the surgery. It takes time and patience. It is a challenge, and (.1) above is the number 1 factor in achieving success. (As it is in life)

SMR (Self Myofascial Release) of the Quads

4.)  Increasing Knee Flexion

At week 6, I started on the Octane xR6000 Recumbent Elliptical at Method Strength & Fitness. It enables me to measure the knee flexion at the top of the pedal stroke using a goniometer. I am increasing this by 2-3 degrees per week. I have also moved to the Stationary Spin Bike, now working on my stamina, keeping the pedal force tension very low. Easy does it for now. The Spin Bike’s maximum knee flexion is 120° which is the same as my road bike. I use it as a conditioning exercise machine. Next week, I will incorporate more strength exercises and continue to increase flexion using the Recumbent Elliptical machine.

Remember, every day is a gift. Make it count





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