Balance & Stabilization Training (BT) in Older Adults.

 Balance training has been demonstrated to be effective in improving balance and decreasing falls in cognitively intact older adults.  It has been confirmed in many clinical studies over the last decade that Balance Training (BT) is a very effective means to improve both functional and sport performance-related balance tasks over a relatively short period of time.

The Berg Balance Scale is a test used to measure and calculate a score based on a series of tasks  that are measured both quantitatively and quantitatively. It is used to access balance & mobility in physical therapy.

Proprioception is basically one’s ability to know about the movement of his or her own body part without having to look at it. … You can sharpen your proprioceptive (balance, agility) skills by practicing exercises that can help in preventing injuries to the body by making it adaptable to the changing environment.

Supervised balance training shows immediate benefit for older adults at fall risk. The long-term effects of such training can be enhanced by implementing a safe and simple home exercise program (HEP).  It is important to consult a Specialist in Senior Fitness to ensure the safety and effectiveness of your fitness program. It is an integral part of every training program that I create for my clients.

The Single Leg Balance Test
  1. Lacroix A, Kressig RW, Muehlbauer T, Gschwind YJ, Pfenninger B, Bruegger O,Granacher U. Effects of a Supervised versus an Unsupervised Combined Balance and Strength Training Program on Balance and Muscle Power in Healthy Older Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Gerontology. 2016;62(3):275-88. doi:10.1159/000442087. Epub 2015 Dec 9. PMID: 26645282.
  2. Tisher K, Mann K, VanDyke S, Johansson C, Vallabhajosula S. Functional measures show improvements after a home exercise program following balance training in older adults with elevated fall risk. Physiother TheoryPract. 2019 Apr;35(4):305-317. doi: 10.1080/09593985.2018.1444116. Epub 2018 Mar5. PMID: 29505321.
  3. Martínez-Amat A, Hita-Contreras F, Lomas-Vega R, Caballero Martínez I,Alvarez PJ, Martínez-López E. Effects of 12-week proprioception training program on postural stability, gait, and balance in older adults: a controlled clinical trial. J Strength Cond Res. 2013 Aug;27(8):2180-8. doi:10.1519/JSC.0b013e31827da35f. PMID: 23207891.
  4. 14: Orr R, de Vos NJ, Singh NA, Ross DA, Stavrinos TM, Fiatarone-Singh MA. Power training improves balance in healthy older adults. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2006 Jan;61(1):78-85. doi: 10.1093/gerona/61.1.78. PMID: 16456197.

It’s never too late to start exercising

Older people who have never taken part in sustained exercise programs have the same ability to build muscle mass as highly trained master athletes of a similar age, according to new research at the University of Birmingham.

Published in Frontiers in Physiology, researchers in the University of Birmingham’s School of Sport and Exercise Science compared muscle-building ability in two groups of older men. The first group was classed as ‘master athletes’ — people in their 70s and 80s who are lifelong exercisers and still competing at top levels in their sport. In the second were healthy individuals of a similar age, who had never participated in structured exercise programs.

The researchers had expected that the master athletes would have an increased ability to build muscle due to their superior levels of fitness over a prolonged period of time. In fact, the results showed that both groups had an equal capacity to build muscle in response to exercise.

The study clearly showed that it doesn’t matter if you haven’t been a regular exerciser throughout your life, you can still derive benefit from exercise whenever you start.

More specific guidance on how individuals can improve their muscle strength can be provided by professionals who specialize in strength and conditioning programs for older adults. Also, I always teach my clients activities that they can perform at home to improve their strength endurance, balance, and core as an adjunct to their written training and fitness program which is designed to help them achieve the goals we set together.

Increasing Quality Protein Intake Reduces the Effects of Sarcopenia in Older Adults

The loss of lean muscle mass occurring with advancing age is termed sarcopenia. This condition often leads to a concomitant loss of strength, increased frailty and risk of falls and an overall loss of functional independence in older adults..

Muscle protein balance is a dynamic process and is the difference between the body’s ability to make muscle protein versus the rate at which muscle protein breaks down.

It has been observed through clinical studies that older adults are more resistant to the production of muscle mass or what is referred to as resistance to the anabolic response. (the replacement of muscle).  The loss of this equilibrium leads to the loss of muscle mass, and this is a major factor in the development of sarcopenia.

This is part of the aging process.  The good news is that recent studies have investigated interventions to overcome this anabolic resistance.  In particular,

Combining a resistance Training program with increased  Quality Protein intake restored the anabolic (muscle-building response) in older men.  Recent studies have confirmed the same in older women.

.The present evidence strongly suggests that the loss of lean tissue in the elderly is exacerbated by low dietary protein intake.

 As such, protein supplementation may prove to be an effective approach to delay the loss of muscle mass with age and has led to calls for the recommended daily intake of protein to be increased for the older population.

The Conclusion

The present study indicates that a protein intake of 0.75g/ lb of body weight per day has the most beneficial effects in regard to preventing sarcopenia and weakness in conjunction with a total body resistance training program

So, if you weigh 150lb, you should be ingesting 110- 125g of quality protein a day. 100lbs; 70-80g per day.

I always recommend to my older clients that they supplement their diet in the mornings with a ready to drink (RTD) protein such as Boost®  or Ensure® that supplies quality Protein and adequate micronutrients as an effective anti-aging supplement. There are also vegetarian alternatives in this category.

Reducing Hip Flexor Pain and improving Hip Function and Range of Motion

If you sit at a desk for hours at a time at your workplace you’re definitely going to feel the tightness and pain over time. This is where “CAR” stretches are highly effective at improving flexibility in the two joints. CAR stands for “Controlled Articular Rotation” They are incorporated into a training program to combat the effects of lifestyles where hours are spent in a seated position. Hip flexion range of motion (ROM) will be severely restricted and Hip CARs can aid in improving ROM in the joint.

These stretches are more dynamic than the usual “static” stretches used to lengthen muscle tissues like a “supine bridge plank”. Cars add mobility (movement ) to the stretch.

These stretches are also employed after a client has been released to exercise after undergoing a hip replacement and subsequent physical therapy.

As a cyclist and an individual who also does a lot of writing (which means I am sitting for a couple of hours at a stretch) I perform these dynamic stretches at home 3 times per week. Also in training programs, I incorporate these with specific resistance (weight) exercises to strengthen the corresponding weak muscle sets to bring the joint into a more balanced tension relationship.

The Effects of Sarcopenia as we age.

 Sarcopenia is increasingly defined by both loss of muscle mass and loss of muscle function or strength. Physical inactivity and disease – both highly prevalent in the elderly – are the main contributors to the decline of muscle mass and function.  Both resistance (Weight training) and aerobic training have been shown to increase muscle strength and improve physical function.

After middle age, adults lose 3% of their muscle strength every year, on average. This limits their ability to perform many routine activities

Studies have solidly concluded that that resistance weight training leads to significant gains in muscle strength, size, and functional mobility among frail residents of nursing homes up to 96 years of age.

A study of 57 adults aged 65–94 showed that performing resistance exercises three times per week increased muscle strength over 12 weeks. Of course, this is really true of all individuals who enroll in a  well planned and goal -oriented fitness program.

So I meet many individuals who know THEY SHOULD GO TO THE GYM.  I also know as a full-time caregiver myself that a well-planned fitness and weight management program pays off in terms of increased strength, balance, and mobility.

The key is really motivational.  It is a very large percentage of what I do. To keep my clients motivated to achieve established goals that we worked on together.

the loss of skeletal muscle mass with advancing age results in lower basal metabolic rate, weakness, reduced activity levels, decreased bone density, and low-calorie needs. The related increase in body fat is linked to hypertension and abnormal glucose tolerance. Many consequences of sarcopenia are preventable or even reversible. Progressive resistance exercises can produce substantial increases in strength and muscle size, even in the oldest old. For many older individuals exercise represents the safest, least expensive means to lose body fat, decrease blood pressure, improving glucose tolerance, and maintain long-term independence.

Tom Stratman SNAP Fitness Oakhurst Plaza Seminole, FL 33777 (727) 386-1889

Deadlifting for Improved Core Strength

There are two types of barbells used to perform deadlifts; the straight bar and the Hex Bar (or Trap Bar).

I prefer the use of the Hex Bar when Core Training clients. Studies have shown that the design of the Hax Bar increases the resistance forces of the hamstrings in the concentric phase (the lift) and in the eccentric phase (lowering phase) there are greater resistance forces at work on the back musculature. Also the Hex Bar provides a little more stability in relation to sagittal plane motion because the weights are aligned more in the frontal plane (more centered). For many people , this is a safer exercise.

Hex Bar Deadlift

In addition, the hexagonal-barbell deadlift demonstrated significantly greater peak force, peak power, and peak velocity values than those of the straight-barbell deadlift. The enhanced mechanical stimulus obtained with the hexagonal barbell suggests that in general the Hex Barbell Deadlift is a more effective exercise than the Straight Barbell Deadlift. This is an advanced phase 2 exercise that is only undertaken once core stability and strength endurance has been achieved in phase 1 training of a beginner program or older adult program.

The benefits of Static Stretching

When we talk about stretching, there are a few different types. In this post, I want to talk about Static Stretching. 1.) Static Stretching is used to correct existing muscle imbalances and lengthen overactive or tight muscle tissue. It is the process of taking a muscle to the point of tension and holding that position for 60 seconds. The physiology of this type of stretching is such that once you reach that point of tension (you feel the stretched muscle) there are receptors in the muscle fiber that sends signals (nerve impulses) to your brain and it sends signals back to the muscle telling it to relax and this provides for better lengthening of the muscle.

It can be used before or/and after a workout or any exercise. I stretch my hamstring and back muscles every day and other groups if I feel tightness or discomfort around a joint. Hip stretches in the morning are a great way to get your metabolism up and I feel ready to tackle my day’s challenges. There have been multiple studies showing that individuals with decreased hamstring flexibility performing static stretching on the hamstrings for between 30-60 sec. showed markedly improved hamstring flexibility after 5 weeks over the control group that did not stretch. And we’re talking about an average gain in flexibility of 10%! If you take the time ( 5 minutes of 3 stretches of 30-60 second hold) you will find that you look forward to stretching for the relaxed feeling it provides to those muscle groups that you stretched.

When training my clients, I teach them the proper form for each static stretch and then let them stretch at home so as not to spend to much time on this exercise. The time is better spent on the more functional exercises to address his or her needs with regard to the overall goal of the program.

Quality over quantity! Interval walking training improves fitness and health in elderly individuals

This recently published study supports the idea that Interval Training (in this case walking) improves overall fitness in the senior population. This is a study out of Japan. The use of a fitness tracker makes this easier to perform more accurately, and walking is also so time-efficient. You can put your shoes on and go outside and you are on your way. Doing this with a training partner improves compliance I find with my clients.

About VO2max

Simply put Vo2max is the amount of oxygen being consumed by a person when they are at their maximal exertion. So I would measure this by having you walk on a treadmill or a track (or the beach!) for a certain period of time and then use standard calculations to determine your VO2max. Practically speaking, I measure your heart rate at rest and then measure it at intervals while you are walking. I cycle and am considered to be in the elite range of VO2max for my age. The more oxygen (fuel) I am able to use, the more intensely I can exert my body. Endurance athletes such as cyclists can have VO2peak in the 80s. What is important is that once we know your maximum heart rate, we can develop a cardio-respiratory (cardio) program that will be safe and progressive. And it will include interval training.

Now back to the study. The doctor performing this study found that her method outperformed the recommendation of the American Heart Association that to achieve peak oxygen capacity 75 minutes per week of high-intensity workouts are needed for improvement. Participants in the study had significant improvements in their aerobic capacity (VO2max), with 50 minutes of Interval Walking Training (IWT) per week. Improvements to their VO2max plateaued above 50 minutes a week.

The bottom line

 The participants achieved a 14% increase in VO2max and a 17% decrease in lifestyle-related disease (LSD) through IWT. This method is highly desirable due to the ease of maintenance. Many participants remained highly motivated and went beyond their prescribed regimen and the beauty of IWT is that it does not require expensive equipment to administer. Next we will talk about the benefits to your cardio-pulmonary system with this type of training.

Shizue Masuki, Mayuko Morikawa, Hiroshi Nose. High-Intensity Walking Time Is a Key Determinant to Increase Physical Fitness and Improve Health Outcomes After Interval Walking Training in Middle-Aged and Older PeopleMayo Clinic Proceedings, 2019

Weight Loss: Exerting Self-control does not mean sacrificing pleasure

I came across a study and I thought it was very relevant to those who are seeking to achieve healthy body weight. It has to do with making food choices and one’s way of thinking about food choices.

In this case, the study revolved around the choice between eating carrot sticks as opposed to that beautiful, delicious slice of chocolate cake with a cherry and whipped cream on top. Now, in many people who have set a goal of losing weight the choice of eating the cake will lead to feelings of guilt and failure to resist the temptation (self-control). I myself, when I was on a weight-loss journey, (25lb) have anticipated the regret I would feel for violating my long-term goal of losing weight.

But what if one made the decision to just eat several bites of the cake?  Now, I am not going to feel that guilt because I exerted self-control through portion control. I haven’t violated my goal. Actually “I had my cake and ate it too!”

Our thinking when on a weight -loss program puts food into a good or bad category. What we should be thinking about is total caloric intake daily.  The good /bad concept of food is just an over-simplification of our eating habits.  I mean why deprive yourself?.

If I take in 2500  calories and expend (burn) 2800 on average daily, (-300 calorie deficit) then in a  1 weeks’ time, I have lost a one-half pound of weight. In a month that equals 2 pounds.  Coupled with a fitness/workout program, the weight loss accelerates and one will be inclined to more naturally change their dietary habits over the long term resulting in permanent weight-loss. So why not? Contact Me

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